Sonntag, 21. Juni 2009

Unitl You Love You

I think that songtext is really important for being confortable as a girl or women. You think, you aer not beautiful like you are? You arent confident? Why? We are Women! We have our pride! We are worth it! & read this songtext. It will make you happy.
It always makes me happy when I get up early in the mornig =)

Have FUN!


Samstag, 13. Juni 2009

Madame Unique

Earrings: Tally Weijl
Necklace: Chicorée

Top: Calii Nayé

Skirt: Tally Weijl

Watch: Guess

I madee that shirt on my own. On the shirt is: "Madame Unique", because every girl is unique ;)


New Styles. New Clothes. Be Fash;)

Glasses: Clockhouse

Shirt: Calii Nayé

Belt: Tally Weijl

Leggins: Clockhouse

Shoes: H&M

xoxo ur Calii-Team;)

Mittwoch, 10. Juni 2009

From one City to another

I love it to tavel from one city to another.
Now its even more practical for me to travel, 'cause I have "Gleis 7". In Switzerland, a lotta people have that, 'cause with that, you may travel with the train for free in whole Switzerland from 7 p.m.

'Cause I love some weeks in Cheseaux to learn french, I am a lot in Lausanne. That's a wonderful city on the lake of Geneva & just 20 minutes away with the train from Cheseaux. Today I also was in Lausanne, but I didnt stay a long time there. Then I travelled to Berne. There I visited a friend & he showed me the whole city! It's so romantic there! But unfortunatly I couldnt shop, cause he prefered to show me every sight! There are a lotta sweet places in Berne & I want to visit them again! If you love to go on holidays, but you dunno where you could go, I would propose Berne!

With the train, I went to Zürich. There I wasnt for a long time, either. But I love Zurich!! There you can eat perfectly & there everytime is something going on! There is everything that you need & at the same time, its sooo romantic to go along the river with your boyfriend.

After Zurich I went to St.Gallen. Its a small, but really cute city! I know that city pretty good & there I feel like secure. They have a Starbucks, the most important shops for me & a McDonald's. More than that I dont need for a cool Shoppingday.

For sure, you can't compare the cities from Switzerland to others. Our cities are unique, but not my favorites!

I'd like to go to Las Vegas, Rom, New York, L.A & Berlin. But my most favorite city is Cancun! Thats in Mexico & in my opinion it is the most beautiful metropole that excists. Of course, I think like that, cause I was born there.

The city that I dont like at all is Mexico-City. It's too big & too dirty. I never saw, that the weather is beautiful there & its closely. If you wanna go to Mexico: GO TO CANCUN!;)

In contrast to Mexico-City is Miami very clean. Okay, I always was in Miami Beach & that should be clear, that there its very clean. But that should mean anything!!

To shop in Miami is magnifique! If you ever get there, you have to visit the Aventura Mall! Well, there is no Mac, there are just brandclothes & the food in the restaurant is really expensive, but its worth it, to visit it! I just love it! The shop "Pink" is there the best! Unfortunatly, I didnt buy anything, cause I wanted to have too much & I couldnt decide which things I wanna have. Well, I can't buy the whole shop, right? -.-

The city of love, Paris, is really, really romantic & I was there in the year 2000. At that time the Tour de Eiffel was even more beautiful, cause they put more light on it, through the millenium. I wished I could visit that city again, cause its so long ago, since I was there.

I could tell you about a lotta other cities, but if you wanna know more: Write us! =)

Next Stop: Cancun (Autumn), Funchal (Spring) & Vancouver (Summer). I gotta work hard, that I even can pay that. More informations will come, below the travels.


what's in?

Like every month, I read a lotta different magazines. There are themes like Life, Style & Stars. Because I really travel a lot with the train, I have enough time to read everything!
I love the magazines of U.S.A & I always read TeenVogue.
So, there will be soon a lotta informations about AMERICA!
xxys ;) ♥



Lily C* hat Geburtstag!

Liliana Camara, eine der Mitgründerinnen von Calii Nayé, hat heute, 10. Juni '09, Geburtstag.

Sie ist nun 17 und leider nicht besonders happy darüber, dass sie schon so "alt" sei. Sie sagte mir heute erst noch, sie wolle noch ein Kind bleiben und nicht erwachsen werden. Naja Liebes, man wird älter und bekommt falten;) Doch das Gute ist, dass wir Erfahrungen sammeln, besonders im Style und in Sachen Männer;) (Ach! Diese Männer, die uns ständig den Kopf verdrehen müssen x))

Wir wünschen Dir von ganzem <3 alles Gute zu deinem 17 Geburtstag und dass du lange, lange gesund bleibst.

Nächster Geburtstag bei uns wird erst wieder im April sein. Dann werde ich auch schon 17.

Wir lieben Dich Lily <3

xoxo Y.s (aka Yessica Sanchez T.)


We have something completly totally new for you at in blog. =)

After a conference in our team, we came to the end, that we fashion our blog more personal with news or discussions about style, beauty & stars.
For sure, we still present our new clothes on our blog & we hope that we get more readers!
If you have questions or just want to talk with us, you dont have to be scarred to message us! We try to be as often as we can online for you.


The Calii Nayé Team